Vungle, which has big-name investors including Google, issued the following statement about Jaffer:
“While we do not have any information that is not in the public record at this point, these are extremely serious allegations, and we are shocked beyond words. While these are only preliminary charges, they are obviously so serious that it led to the immediate removal of Mr. Jaffer from any operational responsibility at the company. The company stressed that this matter has nothing to do with Mr. Jaffer’s former role at the company.”
According to reports, police were called to Jaffer’s home early Sunday morning. When they arrived, they were greeted by Jaffer’s father who told them to go to the backyard. That’s where police allegedly found Jaffer naked attempting to commit the sexual assault of a 3-year-old child.
When police approached Jaffer, it’s reported that he wrapped the toddler in his legs and began choking the child. It took multiple officers to pull the victim away from Jaffer.
A 1-year-old was also found at the location. The child had bruises throughout its body.
Jaffer was arrested on Sunday and arraigned on Tuesday, and his next court date is November 1. He is currently being held on bail at the Maple Street Correctional Center in Redwood City, California. Jaffer’s attorney told NBC News that his client is not guilty.
It is believed that Jaffer may have been using drugs at the time of the assault, according to NBC News.
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